Friday, July 15, 2011

New Website

We are in the process of migrating from this blog to a fantastic website called, which is very user friendly.  Please see email below for instructions how to log on and create an account.  Please create an account and use the website going forward (right now it is active for Challah baking and the meals will soon be added).

Hi! As you may have heard through the grapevine, or have seen on facebook, I am launching what I think is a much needed web site. The web site is
      At this time, we are beginning with what is called a soft launch, which is a beta launch or test mode launch. There will still be kinks to work out, and changes to be made, but we need to start using the site in order to find these glitches or issues. Please bare with us as we make these changes in order to make this web site the best that it could be.
      This week, we are going to start with only 3 campaigns....Darielle Fiedler Rabe, Jason Botnick and Daniella Vogel Shem Tov. In addition, we are only going to begin with the challah campaign and will slowly add the other campaigns soon.
Please take 3 minutes to visit
E) If you would like to bake for multiple people just go to the top right and search for another name
    Then, please sign up to bake challah for Darielle Fiedler Rabe, Jason Botnick and Daniella Vogel Shem Tov. As my web site will tell you, many Rabbis believe you may bake for multiple people, while other Rabbis feel you may only bake for one person. Please check with your Rabbi and make a decision that you are comfortable with.
    You should receive an email reminder about baking challah. If you don't please let me know by completing the contact page. Also, if you experience any problems while you are on the web site, please fill out the contact page. The more we know, the more we can fix! Thanks in advance for your patience, and please spread the word! Have a great week and a great shabbos!, and search for a name
D) Click on the name and sign up to bake challah
and sign up for account. The beta mode invite code is "shira." Instructions to sign up:
A) Sign up for free account using invite code: shira (all lowercase)
B) Wait for email confirmation
C) Go to
and is a complimentary service for those wishing to help an individual going through an illness or crisis. When a friend or family member needs our prayers, we all want to know what we can do to make a difference. is the tool to help answer that question while at the same time making it easier to keep track and organize all the efforts put forth to help the person in need. This unique website will connect friends and family from all over the world who want to spiritually and practically make a difference during this time of need through Challah, Tehilim, Nourishment & Tzedakah.

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