Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday night shiur- March 1, 2011

There will be a shiur tomorrow night at 9PM at 980 East End Woodmere NY.  The shiur will be given by Jon Talansky and is in the zechut for refuah shleima of Matisyahu Yaakov ben Gitel Rivka.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tehillim- gatherings for men and women

There will be tehillim gatherings for men and women at the following locations:
Every Tuesday night following the 10:00pm maariv at the DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys,
700 Ibsen Street
in Woodmere.
Every Thursday night following the 10:00pm maariv at the Young Israel of Woodmere,
859 Peninsula Blvd
in Woodmere.

Tehillim- perek day by day

Please sign up for saying Tehilim for Matisyah Yaakov ben Gittel Rivkah. Please add your name to the Perakim you wish to say. To ensure that all of Tehilim is completed daily, please attempt to fill up each "round" before starting a new one.

Click here to sign up: Tehillim

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Well Wishes

Jason appreciates the outpouring of love, well wishes and concern and is baruch hashem feeling well. It has been brought to his attention that many want to call and or visit. Please keep the emails coming as they provide tremendous comfort and strength. But instead of visiting and or calling, please set aside that time for either davening, learning or doing extra mitzvot in the zechus of the refuah shleimah for Matityahu Yaakov ben Gitel Rivka.

In addition, please use this thread to post any well wishes for the Botnick Family.

May Hashem send them a yeshuah.

Hafrashas Challah

For those who would like to commit to being mafrish challah with a bracha on erev shabbos, please click here:  Challah

We need 40/43 volunteers each week.

Please remember that the bracha should only be said if you are baking challah with a minimum of five pounds of flour. Any questions regarding the halachos of Hafrashas Challah should be directed to your Rabbi.


For those who are willing and able, please click  to sign up to cook dinners for the children- WEEKDAYS ONLY- NO SUNDAYS. Please note that it should not be a tremendous amount of food- just enough for 4 young children and 1 adult. The food should be geared towards the kids (spaghetti and meatballs, lazagna, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken on the bone (be careful of crumb toppings and sauces due to allergies etc...)  Due to allergy restrictions, nothing should be made with nuts, seeds or coconuts.  Please try to ensure that all meals are be dropped off at the Botnick residence (921 Mayfield) no later than 4:00pm.

I added a column in the spreadsheet to list what you are making so that they are not eating the same food every night!  I also added a column to include your email address so that I can send you a reminder at the beginning of each week.

If you have any questions, please call Tami Radinsky at 917-627-5472

Here is the link: MEALS

Tehillim Group Updates- Women

All information regarding times and locations of the Tehilim groups will be posted here. Updates regarding location and time will be posted weekly.

Womens Tehillim Groups:
Monday, 3/7, 9:45am - 304 Roselle Ave in Cedarhurst.
Tuesday, 3/8, 8:30pm - 956 Midwood Road in Woodmere

Wednesday, 3/9, 9:45am - 35 Centre Street in Woodmere.

Thursday, 3/10, 8:30pm - 10 Sherwood Lane in Cedarhurst.
Friday, 3/11, 9:45am - 843 Crestview Ave in North Woodmere.