Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tehillim Change

Based on feedback received from many of you, we are changing our tehillim location for Thursday mornings. Tuesday night will remain at 956 Midwood in Woodmere. We will meet on Thursday morning at the JCC Preschool in the library across from room 41 at 9:30am. We hope this will increase the attendance, as I know many of you drop of children at that time.
Therefore, here is the revised schedule. The groups will meet at these locations until further notice:  
Every Tuesday night at 8:30pm  will be at 956 Midwood Road in Woodmere
Every Thursday morning at 9:30am at the JCC preschool in Lawrence in the library across from room 41

Monday, May 2, 2011

Updated tehillim schedule

As you all know, Jason continues to need all our tefillot.   We have revised the tehillim groups- we will be having 2 formal groups specifically dedicated for Jason each week. In addition, there are many other tehillim groups throughout the community in which Jason's name will be said during the remaining days of the week. Therefore, on behalf of Jason's family, please make every effort possible to take some time out of your day to try and at least attend one tehillim gathering this week as it would really mean a lot to them to know that we are all davening for his speedy recovery.
Please see the revised tehillim schedule and the locations. The groups will meet at these locations until further notice:  
Every Tuesday night at 8:30pm  will be at 956 Midwood Road in Woodmere
Every Thursday morning at 9:30am will be at 980 East End in Woodmere